Cyber security for the toughest security requirements

We feed more people with fewer resources, we educate more humans faster and more people live in luxury. All thanks to the printing press, the agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution. It’s now clear that digitalization is taking over in order to optimize and improve society further. Products are being connected, information is being created and shared in real-time, people are meeting, value is being saved on blockchain networks, and the list goes on. Society is changing fundamentally and everyone is affected.
Cybersäkerhet för högsta säkerhetskrav


What was once protected by guards, locks, and long distances need new types of defense in our digital world. Cybersecurity is essential to maintain function and security in society. Our product portfolio is the result of 16 years of helping organizations and businesses meet the highest security requirements. We offer the market-leading off-the-grid laptop Outpost, which is used by hundreds of customers. Outpost is the best in the industry and ensures compliance with the highest security requirements in Sweden.

Full control

Government agencies, businesses, municipalities, defense forces, infrastructure, and individuals are all interconnected. The economies of scale are obvious and the challenges are many.

How do we protect critical infrastructure? How can we digitize government agencies without jeopardizing the integrity of the citizen? How can we link domains with different security classifications? How do we give people access to data without making them targets for extortion? How do we make it easy for citizens to administer their personal data without enabling manipulation from anyone else?

Cybersäkerhet för högsta säkerhetskrav

Take back control

To have full control, meet data security requirements and privacy guidelines, the solution in many cases is a so-called on-premises solution. We are specialists in this area. A number of cases have taught us how a government agency or company can maintain its effectiveness without having servers, data storage or processor power outsourced to a third party. Full control without compromise.


The digital landscape is constantly changing, so adaptability is key. We deliver ongoing modular solutions to help our customers who constantly face new needs, requirements, and threats. We are a long-term and reliable partner in an ever-changing world of cybersecurity.

Contact us for a free initial consultation on how we can work together to address your cybersecurity needs.

Daniel Lester - Business & Marketing Manager, Business Area Manager Solutions

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