Awarded “DI-Gasell” for growth and stability

Stability and reliability is a must. Companies and governments need cybersecurity partners for life, there is no use in partnering up with companies that are risking going out of business. It is therefore important for us to show our customers that we are a stable company, that we are here to stay.
link22 belönade för tillväxt och stabilitet med priset DI-gasell

We are on a mission to provide the world with cybersecurity without compromise. A good day is a day when all our clients experienced uninterrupted productivity despite serious cyber threats. Another measurement of success is ofcourse business. Our reputation among cybersecurity experts seems to bear fruit as more and more customers come in due to word of mouth. This has resulted in a sound, stable and fast growth. For this we got awarded “DI-gasell” by the renowned Swedish news paper Dagens Industri. To be awarded, the following criteria had to be met:

  • A net turnover that exceeds SEK 10 million
  • At least ten employees
  • At least doubled turnover, if one compares the first and most recent financial year in the four-year survey period.
  • Increased yearly turnover for the past three years.
  • A positive overall operating profit for the last four financial years.
  • Essentially grown organically, not through acquisitions or mergers.
  • Healthy finances.
Conny Ljungqvist - CEO

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