link22 Delivers Eavesdropping Protection to Law Firm Glimstedt

In an era where digital security is paramount, the law firm Glimstedt takes the lead by implementing link22’s eavesdropping protection, Shield. With a background of successful deliveries to authorities and the defense industry, this marks an important step for link22 into the legal sector.
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From Defense to Law

For many years, link22 has delivered eavesdropping protection in the form of Shield to authorities and the defense industry. This week, the product was introduced to the legal sector, another area where confidential information is frequently discussed in meeting rooms. The law firm Glimstedt is now positioning itself as one of the industry’s most eavesdropping-protected player.

In the digital age we live in, the protection of confidential information is more important than ever. Law firms, like Glimstedt, constantly face the challenge of ensuring that their client meetings remain private.

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Eavesdropping Protection & Law

During the delivery, the reasons why the legal sector wants to prevent recording of meetings, whether intentionally or unintentionally, via mobile phones were discussed. This is partly about meetings with clients, where one wants to prevent an external party, who may have accessed the client’s mobile through malicious software, from eavesdropping to gain an information advantage. But it’s also about meetings with opposing parties. Gustav Sandberg, Managing Partner at Glimstedt Östergötland, puts it this way:

“When meeting with clients we sometimes want to avoid tapping if for example we’re discussing business secrets. When meeting with counterparts we sometimes want to avoid the risk of being recorded. It’s very easy to do today, a recording can be misused and we want to minimize such risks. Our clients expect and value our confidentiality.”

Beyond the direct functional reasons for having eavesdropping protection in meeting rooms, there’s also a signaling value. The goal is for both clients and opposing parties to take our meetings more seriously, while feeling more relaxed.

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Simple & Advanced

During the delivery meeting, Daniel Lester, Business Area Manager, described how Shield works with sharp noise, rubber packing, separation material, tamper protection, security levels, and more. He also demonstrated how easy it is to use the product: You open the lid, participants put in their phones, and then you close the lid. The phones are in the room, for all parties to oversee, but not recording or eavesdropping.

In a world where information can easily spread and be misused, it’s crucial for companies, especially law firms, to take measures to protect confidential information. link22’s Shield offers an effective solution for this. The delivery to Glimstedt is a step towards ensuring integrity and security during meetings. With Shield, law firms can now feel safer, knowing that their confidential meetings remain just that – confidential.

Read more about Shield here.

Daniel Lester - Business & Marketing Manager, Business Area Manager Solutions

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