Welcome Fredrik Jansson – Newly Graduated within Data Security and IT Forensics

link22 warmly welcomes Fredrik Jansson to the team. With a strong educational background and practical experience from Saab and the Swedish Maritime Administration, Fredrik is well-equipped to make a significant contribution to our operations. This article delves deeper into his journey, his passion for cybersecurity, and his future with link22.
Välkommen Fredrik Jansson – Nyutbildad inom datasäkerhet och IT-forensik

Master of Science in Computer Security

link22 is delighted to welcome a new member to our team. Fredrik Jansson, a promising software developer and IT forensic specialist, is ready to embark on his new professional journey with us. We sat down with Fredrik to learn more about his background, interests, and what he brings to link22.

Fredrik hails from Åby, a town just outside Norrköping. He has a Master of Science degree in Computer Security from Karlskrona, where he focused on web security, machine learning, AI, and digital investigative techniques, also known as IT forensics. During his studies, he worked summer jobs at Saab and the Swedish Maritime Administration, gaining valuable and relevant experience.

Software Developer and IT Forensics

At link22, Fredrik is taking on a dual role, combining software development with incident management and IT forensics. As an IT forensic specialist, he will investigate and analyze the aftermath of IT incidents, akin to a digital detective.

Fredrik’s fascination with cybersecurity stems from the dynamic challenges it presents. He is particularly interested in the cat-and-mouse aspect, where one side tries to penetrate defenses while the other side works to keep them out. His Master’s thesis, which explored the use of machine learning for cybersecurity, indicates his strong interest in the intersection of these two fields. Moreover, his expertise in IT forensics, a relatively niche area, will be an asset.

Wellness Allowance and Company Impact

When we asked Fredrik about his expectations of an employer, he emphasized the importance of a positive physical environment and a friendly team. He values a workplace where he can make a significant contribution.

To stay motivated, Fredrik underscores the importance of physical exercise. He appreciates link22’s generous wellness allowance and fruit basket. In his spare time, Fredrik enjoys playing games, socializing with friends, working out at the gym, and climbing. He is currently working towards his green card in top-rope climbing. His favorite gadget is his 3D printer. He is currently using it to build chassis for Raspberry Pi’s.

As for music, Fredrik prefers hardstyle, but sometimes gets in the mood for rock and classical music.

For students wishing to join link22, Fredrik’s advice is to follow the path he took, through a Master’s thesis. This is because it is an excellent way to get to know each other in-depth before entering a potential employment. He also encourages potential applicants to visit link22 at events like SEC-T to gain a better understanding of the company.

We are thrilled to have Fredrik on board and look forward to fresh perspectives and new energy on the path to a more IT-secure society.

If you wish to apply for a job or Master’s thesis at link22, we would like you to submit your application here.

Helena Gällerdal Högfeldt - COO, Chief Security Officer

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