IT-Technician & System Administrator

Do you want to join a growing company on a journey towards deeper knowledge and broader market penetration? Join us! link22 is in the midst of the Swedish cyber security mecka with private and public actors gathering in Linköping to take the industry to the next level. We have delivered advanced cyber security solutions to customers with the highest standards since 2006.

Thesis – your own suggestion

Exjobb öppen ansökan

link22 is cybersecurity. We assist defense industries, government agencies, and businesses in working efficiently and securely. Our offerings include cross-domain solutions, data export and import, file and data inspection, virtual desktops, access solutions, network segmentation, data encryption, offline solutions, and much more.

Exjobb – Datasäkerhet (Swedish)

Exjobb datasäkerhet

link22s klienter transporterar känslig och ibland säkerhetsskyddsklassificerad data mellan informationssäkerhetsdomäner. För att uppfylla funktionella krav samt lagar och riktlinjer behöver filer identifieras, inspekteras och ibland modifieras innan en eventuell överföring kan godkännas. Inspektion görs till exempel för att identifiera skadlig kod, transformation görs till exempel för att byta filformat. Lösningar med denna typ av funktioner brukar kallas för en Data Guard. Data Guarden är en central del link22s IT-lösningar för transport och exjobbet syftar till att identifiera förbättringspotential i området.

IT Security Architect

Jobb - IT-säkerhetsarkitekt

About the role We want you who has experience from creating IT-infrastructure with requirements in security, integrity and user experience. Extensive skills within architecture, design and production of secure IT-systems is a must. This role also requires good operative ability both individually and as an inspiring leader. If you are the ideal candidate you also […]

Senior Developer

Jobb - Senior utvecklare

About link22 We are cybersecurity. Our products protect critical infrastructure. We safeguard the integrity of citizens. link22 counteracts cyberattacks and helps clients meet strict laws and specific functionality needs. Product development and research at link22 is conducted in close communication with customers. Our core products are within access control, encryption technology, log management and cross […]

Open Application

Jobb - öppen ansökan

We are always looking for talent, ambition and grit. The cyber security market is growing fast and so is link22. We are busier than ever and can’t hire fast enough. If you want a challenge, an education and an exciting everyday life, join us. We value ambition, curiosity, intelligence and grit. We want you to […]