Cyber security for the toughest security requirements

Cybersäkerhet för högsta säkerhetskrav

We feed more people with fewer resources, we educate more humans faster and more people live in luxury. All thanks to the printing press, the agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution. It’s now clear that digitalization is taking over in order to optimize and improve society further. Products are being connected, information is being created and shared in real-time, people are meeting, value is being saved on blockchain networks, and the list goes on. Society is changing fundamentally and everyone is affected.

What is the NIS and NIS2 directive?

NIS2 Direktivet

The article is an introduction to the NIS directive and the NIS2 directive, aiming to strengthen the EU’s protection of critical infrastructure. We briefly go through what the directive means in practice and who is affected. We help businesses manage security challenges with tailored solutions. Book a demo to discuss how NIS affects you and what measures you may need to take.

Swedish government prove to be adaptable and aware around digitalization and cybersecurity

Svenska myndigheter visar digital anpassningsförmåga och god medvetenhet om cybersäkerhet

Swedish authorities are in a very complex situation regarding digital work, digital collaboration and cyber security. They operate in the thin threshold between; laws that protect the privacy of citizens, laws that protect the security of the kingdom, and a system that allows employees to work efficiently. The same threshold is the starting point for our product Outpost Collaboration.