Data Guard

A 24/7 digital soldier to inspect, reject & approve files before passage. Let Data Guard be your intrusive prevention system that helps you sleep at night.

Secure import of files and updates

File and update imports into an IT system often come with risks. Data Guard enables the introduction of files in a secure and controlled manner. Each file is reviewed with logical rules and antivirus engines, and files are only allowed to pass if they pose no threat.

Security logs

All data transport through Data Guard is logged, providing traceability of who has imported or exported a particular file, which files are involved, and when it occurred. It also provides a summary of which software has been downloaded and introduced into an organization.

Supports PKI

Data Guard supports card-based authentication and user authorization control, as well as transport protection with user certificates. This makes it a highly powerful solution, even in scenarios where confidentiality requirements are very high.

File Scanning Upon Import

The introduction of files and software updates into an IT system is a vulnerable point that can pose a significant security threat. Whether it’s employees’ own files, files from external suppliers, or downloads from the internet, there’s always a risk they may contain viruses or malware.

link22 Data Guard is a software product that enables secure and safe file importation. By allowing all imported files to be reviewed by the Data Guard, cybersecurity is significantly enhanced compared to a situation where files are moved without control using portable media.

  • File Inspection: Data Guard comes with a range of filters designed to detect unwanted files. It can operate based on logic determined by source, destination, content, or other parameters you choose.
  • Anti-virus Engines: It supports several anti-virus engines and optional deep-inspection (CDR). There’s also the option to create custom rules and filters, including whitelisting and blacklisting.
  • Quarantine for Suspicious Files: Files that are not approved are placed in quarantine for manual assessment.

Confidentiality and Transport Protection

File and software updates into an IT system represent a vulnerability that can pose a significant security threat. Whether it’s employees’ own files, files from external vendors, or downloads from the internet, there’s always a risk that they contain viruses or malware.

link22 Data Guard is a software product that enables secure and safe file imports. By having all imported files reviewed by Data Guard, cybersecurity is greatly enhanced compared to a situation where files are moved without control using portable media.

File Inspection: Data Guard comes with a variety of filters designed to detect unwanted files. It can act based on logic depending on the source, destination, content, or other parameters you choose.

Anti-virus Engines: It supports several different anti-virus engines and even deep inspection (CDR) as a possible option. There is also the possibility to create custom rules and filters with features such as whitelisting and blacklisting.

Quarantine for Suspicious Files: Files that are not approved are placed in quarantine for manual assessment.

flexible installation

link22 Data Guard is a software product that can run on both physical and virtual servers. It supports both Windows and RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux).

Details about Data Guard

  • Flow control between domains.
  • Authorization of transfers with consideration for PKI.
  • Integrity check of files.
    Scans file content using anti-virus engines and filters.
  • Supports multiple anti-virus engines. Flexible API for adding additional protection.
  • Supports “deep inspection” Content Disarm Reconstruction as an add-on module.
  • Configurable redirection.
  • Data redirection based on encrypted metadata.
  • All import and export passes through Data Guard, which determines if data is approved for passage based on data and metadata.
  • Detailed logging of activities.