
Some file exports have to be approved by a third person, preferably by signature verification. Document countersign protects both humans and documents. That’s what link22 Countersign is for.

Four eyes principle

Counter-signing is a process that ensures no individual can complete a transaction without it being reviewed and approved by at least one other person. By requiring an additional signature for the export of particularly sensitive files, security is significantly enhanced. The signatures are tied to the users’ certificates.

Human check

Computers are great when it comes to general and repetitive cases. For example checking files for a certain string of numbers. Countersign is for the special cases, when a file transfer needs to be checked and approved by a human.

link22 Countersign explained

A controller who is to verify that a file may pass over an interface uses the application to review and verify that the file is approved for export. If the file is accepted, a signature (counter-signature) is added which is created using the controller’s smartcard. The role of the smartcard is to ensure signature verification. Then the file can proceed to the next step in the chain where link22 Data Guard verifies that the file is countersigned by an approved controller.

Details about Countersign

  • Developed graphical interface with user-friendliness in focus.
  • Can be easily integrated with link22 Data Guard to verify that a file has been countersigned, according to configurable rules.
  • Files are protected with a transport protection connected to the user’s smart card.
  • Configured with windows Active Directory and group policy.
  • Windows 10 application.
  • Smart card aware.
  • Designed for Export control.
Signature verification
Verifying signature deny
Double signature