Cybersecurity: A Cornerstone for a Secure Society

Cybersäkerhet: En grundpelare för ett säkert samhälle

In a world where technology is constantly evolving and digitalization is accelerating, cybersecurity is more crucial than ever. link22 assists government, defense industry and large corporations in protecting their critical information and infrastructure.

link22 Delivers Eavesdropping Protection to Law Firm Glimstedt

link22 levererar avlyssningsskydd till advokatfirman Glimstedt

In an era where digital security is paramount, the law firm Glimstedt takes the lead by implementing link22’s eavesdropping protection, Shield. With a background of successful deliveries to authorities and the defense industry, this marks an important step for link22 into the legal sector.

link22 wins the trust of three major government agencies

link22 vinner förtroende hos tre stora myndigheter

link22 has received commissions from three major government agencies, marking a significant milestone for the company. This achievement reaffirms their ability to deliver comprehensive and trusted cybersecurity solutions. With extensive experience and a diverse product portfolio, link22 is a reliable partner for defense, government, and corporate entities in the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity.

link22 – Glasswall collaboration to protect against Zero Day Threats

Samarbete mellan link22 & Glasswall för skydd mot Zero Day Threats

link22 is strengthening its collaboration with British Glasswall in a joint mission to enhance protection against Zero Day threats, previously unknown cyber attacks. By integrating Glasswall’s Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR) technology with link22’s security solutions, they now offer reinforced defense against these threats.

Productnews – link22 Offline Update

link22 Offline Update

link22 can now offer a product solution to ensure and automate downloads to physically separated environments. The solution ensures that downloads are inspected and managed over unidirectional data flows.